Monday, April 25, 2011

More images of Nha Trang in Vietnam...below are a few more looks that I dug up from my archive.

 I'm not a very religious guy but this giant buddha was moving and ya know how hard it is to get a clean shot without a bunch of skate boarders or jugglers?!
 Now that kid's got an awesome seat!
 A little old, A little new...
These basic makeshift homes aren't much to look at but they are home to so many
Nice vantage point by the temple

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Memories of Nha Trang, Vietnam

I love touring cities in Vietnam , though escaping Vietnam with my family with the Fall of Saigon as a child my heart yearned to always come back and capture what I missed out on.  After arriving for a visit I set out to explore and I found myself in an inexpensive hotel room ($25) on the beach and after having a great seafood feast with my family I was ready to see more.  On this particular morning in Nha Trang which is a beautiful historic city some hours north of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) I wanted to try and capture some day to day life with my camera.  Nha Trang is a scenic beach side city dotted with colorful fishing boats, historical temples and spas.  I got up before everyone and with my camera and a medium lens hired some eager fella on a scooter to take me around to see the sights.  The boats had already come in from their long night of fishing and were sitting on the sand bar during their low tide.  The lighting was nice, it was easy to shoot beautiful images so I hope ya'll enjoy.

I just love the colors and the old lady there reflecting

In the distance is an ancient temple of a kingdome long lost in time

As these ladies passed me up I turned and shot one of my personal favorite shots of Nha Trang. They were just simple folks after a hard working morning.

I liked the sea of colorful boats all sitting side by side to one another
